Radius Energy is the leading Australian distributor of energy efficient lighting products and solar products for commericial and industrial applications. We are focussed on providing our customers with the latest high quality products and the perfect advice to suit their individual needs.
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Our products

Power Storage
sonnenBatterie is an intelligent storage system that allows you to produce and store 100% of the energy it uses so you can enjoy the benefits of solar energy 24-hours a day.

Solar Products
Radius Energy only use the best PV modules and inverters on the market from Tier one manufacturers like TrinaSolar, ABB, LG and Fronius.

Solar Lights
With climate protection from its bright side, hei solar light represents a technologically advanced product, striking a new path in professional outdoor lighting.

LED Lights
S-tech Lighting is a leading LED Technology, LED Lighting & LED Signage company in Australia. Their products are Australian designed, tested and certified.

Power Factor
Power Factor is the relationship between real and apparent power (kVA). Improving your power factor by reducing wastage can save you a lot of money.

Smart Modules
Tigo Energy's smart modules allow you to monitor the performance of your array of PV panels in real time and from any location with it’s remote management.

Latest News

Lighting Suitability for Indoor Pool Environments
Lighting an indoor pool is a challenging endeavour. Selection of the correct energy efficient luminaire is critical to ensuring light longevity, aesthetics, proper light levels, as well as controlling glare in the environment. ... read more >
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