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Radius Tech wins Clean Energy Council Award
July 25th, 2014

Radius Tech wins Clean Energy Council Award

Radius Technology honored by the Clean Energy Council for Australia's Largest Smart Array featuring smart modules from Upsolar.

Radius Technology, a leading distributor of energy efficient solar products, earned a Solar Design and Installation Award from Australia's Clean Energy Council during Clean Energy Week

Our work on a 98.6 kW rooftop PV project atop the Hilton Manufacturing facility in Dandenong South, Victoria, was honored in the "Grid Connected Solar System 15 kW-100 kW" category. 

The project features 340 of Upsolar's smart modules with power optimization from Tigo Energy, making it the largest smart array in Australia. The system is also equipped with inverter technology from ABB and Hilton Manufacturing's own dual-axis sun trackers, which sets the record for Australia's largest commercial PV system with tracking capabilities.

Additionally, the installation is supported by an on-site weather station that monitors wind speed to protect the array during periods of high winds, as well as a live webcam that allows viewers to remotely observe system performance. 

A video tour of the project can be viewed on YouTube

The Solar Design and Installation Awards recognize the highest standard of excellence in solar installations across Australia. 

For more information on Clean Energy Week and the Solar Design and Installation Awards, please visit